
political cartoon

political cartoon

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Life in America

evil came 
destroying everything
its hands can reach
every day is a pain
every day survived a miracleImage: the Statue of Liberty
the ones I loved
were taken away
I want to live!
investing sweat, blood,
life, and death
this game was being played
running away,
from my native land
all my memories
everything I've owned
given up
for one big mystery
freedom is the mystery
crossing the pond
so many other people
like ants trying to find their sand pile
it is raining
but it was raining harder before
New York!
I knew this word ever since I was born
but to associate something with it -  I've never been able
well, I guess this is it
this is my new life
but I don't feel like rejoicing
I'm as unemployed as everyone else
I'm not special
I'm back to zero
I don't understand why
Germany lost the war, Hitler didn't even lose
because he didn't care!
didn't care about anyone in his country
the people lost - not the government
there wasn't even a government
and after we lost -things were  indescribable
no one ran, but I did
I deserve something better than
no  home, no insurance, no food, no...
and I used to have all the things, 
hoping, living on,
that's can do
I am free

                          A poem by:
                         Charlena Hose
                           Julius Dengle


                                                summary analysis on poem:

        The peom in itself talks about our history in immigration and what it took to get to where we are today. We as individuals  struggled in coming to america. This peom says that we basically earned our freedom in any possible way. We as people arent treated the way we would like but there is always someone there to always put us down. Immigration is all around us and based on this peom it says that nothing in this world comes easy and that nothing is a given. When we come here we often seek for an opportunity and a chance at a good education for not only ourselves but also for future generations. It also says that when we come to a new place we are basically starting over and when we do get here its like  starting all over agian.Everything that we have ever owned is a big mystery to others because no one knows anything about us. Freedom isnt a given. I think its a's saying that we have a new life but whats that with no happiness and your felt as if no one wants you and you tend to feel left out. They say we are constantly given a chance but sometimes it is just taking away we want to live but in reality we just want freedom and a chance.

written summary to immigration

     Despite  the United States of America being a land of oppoortunity, immigrants generally arent well treated when moving to the states. Most of us that have come  to the U.S seek an opportunity for not only a better life but to provide freedom for the rest that will come in the coming generations.  Throughout our history our country have always been confronted with some sort of immigration. Where in some cases people that come here have the hardest paying jobs, and some of us find it difficult to fit in to this society. Immigrants come from all over the world. Most of us had  to have came from another country. People are always being discriminated  based on their religion or even where they come from. 

      Immigration is all around us, The U.S is the worlds melting pot and many of the country is based on immigrants.“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” invites our Lady Liberty with a welcoming smile towards Northern Europe. The United States of America, the world’s Melting Pot, has a history of immigration, but so too one of discrimination. This is not to say that the US is an inherently discriminatory nation—persecution is certainly a worldwide phenomenon—but rather that, so proud of what our nation stands for, we do not recognize how exclusionary our policies truly are until we see them in hindsight.

     The U.S  has had policies concerning immigration. One in particular is the  Arizona Law which states that migrants are guilty of trespassing within the area without showing any prove of identification then you will be held or arrested.“if reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the U.S.” While carrying identification and following the law shouldn’t be a challenge for anyone, giving State law enforcement officers the power to arrest and determine “reasonable suspicion” of illegal status creates a slippery slope to legalized discrimination, especially since over 80 percent of illegal immigrants in Arizona are Latin American. To me i just dont think that is fair for people to blame immigrants for the cause of all these disasters just like our economy. People constantly discriminate just to blame others for the fact that they know that immigrants make up most of our country. I mean we all had to originate from somewhere and most of us who came to the states wanted a better way of life and provide there kids and the next generation with opportunites that will give them a great education.

      We are suppose to be a land that gives opportunites  but us americans end up just discriminating others as a low class individual that doesnt belong here. Immigrants should have say in what they do. They shouldnt have the worst paying jobs or even being hated by others. Most of us should just be treated equal is what I think. America should treat others as we ourselves would also like to be treated. Discrimination is all around us. We as people just need to be patient in what we do and just work together as one. We are all one in our country and we also should stand together. In my opinion immigration should just be accepted because let's face it we need it so we can all play a part and be accountable in everything that we do.